Following growing trend, OTC to hire full-time sexual misconduct investigator

Claudette Riley

Ozarks Technical Community College will soon hire a full-time staffer to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct.

The new Title IX coordinator will also work to safeguard students and staff by providing training about the rules, pointing out the warning signs, and explaining what steps to take if wrongdoing is suspected.

OTC Chancellor Hal Higdon said an assistant dean is currently overseeing Title IX compliance, in addition to other duties. He said the decision to create a full-time position was based on the need to keep up with federal regulations and spend more time on prevention.

"It is going to take a special person," he said.

All higher education institutions must designate a staff member to oversee Title IV compliance. A growing number of those positions are now full-time because sexual discrimination and violence on campus have been gaining national attention and federal rules aimed at prevention and investigation have been evolving. For example, colleges must now investigate complaints involving students even when they don't happen on campus.

The University of Missouri set the bar by making the position full-time last year. Missouri State University also has a full-time position.

A review of campus crime statistics in recent years shows no uptick in the number of complaints reported. There were two reports of sexual assault during the 2013-14 year but none this year.

"There hasn't been an increase but there has been more federal changes to the way you handle it," he said. "...They require our investigation run parallel but not cross over with the criminal investigation."

The coordinator will be paid about $40,000 and, starting with the 2015-16 school year, report to Julia Edwards, OTC's assistant dean of disability support services. She currently oversees Title IV compliance along with serving as the contact for student concerns.

"The most important thing we will continue to do is build a community that is responsive to this important issue," she said.

Edwards said a full-time person will be able to spend more time working with the students and staff to prevent sex offenses, stalking, violence, domestic violence, and cyberbullying. A student-led poster campaign this year is designed to raise awareness and a statement on nondiscrimination is included in every course syllabus.

She said while criminal investigations are required to prove a complaint "beyond a reasonable doubt," an internal OTC investigation can substantiate a complaint with a "preponderance of evidence."

Edwards said specific steps are taken as soon as a concern has been reported. First, she meets with the student in person to see if any temporary, intermediate step — such as issuing a "no contact order" or changing schedules — needs to take place. If the student is cooperative, the campus will start an investigation by interviewing witnesses. The evidence is weighed and a decision is made.

If a student is found responsible following a campus investigation, the result can be censure, probation, suspension, or expulsion. In a worst case scenario, a student or staff member could also be banned from campus. There is a detailed appeal process available.

"Not only are we to protect the student who has been victimized but the entire academic community as well," Edwards said.

The OTC Board of Trustees also recently approved an overarching sexual misconduct policy that will replace existing policies on sexual assault, domestic violence and sexual harassment. It states that any violation of the policy "is unacceptable and will not be tolerated."

Joan Barrett, associate vice chancellor for student affairs, said there was no need to have separate policies for students and staff. She said the new policy "dictates what sexual misconduct is on campus, how it's addressed and how it is handled on campus."

The policy also states that OTC is "committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex." It goes on to state that discrimination includes sexual harassment of any kind, including verbal, physical, visual or digital.

"We feel very good about the practices we have on campus," she said. "We will now have specific language to match that."