Springfield industry leaders share their secrets to success

Springfield News-Leader

Have you ever wondered what makes someone successful? Or wished you could stop and ask a business leader how they rose to the top of their field? Is there a motto they live by? What advice would they offer a young person with similar ambitions? How did their parents influence them?

Brad Thomas, president of Silver Dollar City Attractions

Well, we asked some prominent people in the Ozarks just those questions. We selected leaders in a variety of industries with different backgrounds, and they shared some tips and advice that can be applied to the workplace — regardless of the workplace. So as we enter 2017 and you’re eyeing a new promotion or hoping to advance in your career, keep some of this advice in mind:

Brad Thomas, president of Silver Dollar City Attractions

Three keys to success:

1. I firmly believe the most successful people are those who get results due to hard work, rather than those who are impatient, complainers or who cast blame.

2. Education. An educational plan must coincide with career goals. Never believe you know everything: There is always room to improve and a need to learn.

3. Life goes quickly and yet work consumes a significant portion of our time, so pursue a career you love.

My parents were passionate that every person matters; they were also so very optimistic that tomorrow would be brighter than today. Those two foundational principles have impacted me my entire life and my entire career.

Jami Peebles, executive vice president, Central Trust Company

Exceed expectations. If you work hard and do what is not expected, you will get additional opportunities for advancement and be noticed.

Jami Peebles, executive vice president, Central Trust Company.








At a very young age I worked in corporate services department and they told me this one task had never been completed on time and I was determined to complete it on time.

When I did, I was called to the president’s office and given a bonus, and I loved the recognition and sense of accomplishment.

I learned early if you can exceed expectations — in business, in friendships — that sets an impression in their mind, makes you feel good and helps you rise to the top.

Jim Lewis, managing shareholder at KPM CPAs & Advisors (KPM)

Follow your gut and then be decisive. 

Jim Lewis, managing shareholder at KPM CPAs & Advisors (KPM).








The longer you think about things, the more you’ll start to second-guess yourself.

My motto is: Do the right thing. You can’t go wrong if you base every decision on doing what is right.

Laura Head Elliott, founder of The Elliott Space

Immerse yourself in everything. Don’t be afraid to fail. Do it all, the good and the bad. And work hard. 

People appreciate effort, hard work and a willingness to get your hands dirty. 

I very much believe in the mentality of starting as a grunt worker and putting in lots of hours, lots of sweat and more effort than one thinks they can muster. That’s how you grow as a person and as a professional. 

Laura Head Elliott, founder of The Elliott Space








Be willing to do it all.

I learned that 'building your personal brand is key' from my previous boss and business partner, Paul Sundy.

Brian Fogle, president and CEO of Community Foundation of the Ozarks

Fogle credits his success to:

My parents (who taught me to be kind, considerate and clean up after yourself) and my basketball coach when I was younger. 

Brian Fogle, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks








Curtis Graff in my early banking years, and Jim Anderson and Tom Finnie as I became more involved in the community. Each enriched my career and life in different ways. All their lessons are too numerous to mention, but two that rise to the top are:

No. 1: the process is as important as the product. You can have a good solution, but without engagement and buy-in, it can be all for naught.

No. 2: E + R = O (Event plus Response equals Outcome). We can’t control events, but we can control our response to them, and that has everything to do with the outcome. Engage others in all you do, and focus your energy on your response, not on lamenting the event.”

Randy Little, theCEO and owner of PFI Western Store, RL Associates and Ski Air LLC


Randy Little is the CEO/owner of PFI Western Store, RL Associates and Ski Air LLC.

Build relationships with customers, your banker and your CPA. Life is nothing but a series of relationships, and eliminate the bad ones. Have passion, desire and determination or you will fail.

Karen Shannon, human resources and business consulting director at Ollis/Akers/Arney insurance and business advisers

Effective communication and client-focused skills have been important in my career. 

Treat internal clients, peers and co-workers with the same respect and importance as external clients. 

Karen Shannon, human resources and business consulting director at Ollis/Akers/Arney insurance and business advisers.








Setting goals and having a vision of what I want to accomplish has provided focus. I also use a gratitude journal so I don’t forget about the simple things for which I’m grateful each and every day.

Networking and building relationships are key. Approach each position and difficult situation as a learning opportunity.

Robert  Fulp, chairman/chief executive officer, Springfield First Community Bank

Pay attention to those around me, pay attention to opportunities, and pay attention to what matters most. 

Successful people are those who establish and pay attention to clear priorities and goals in their lives and realize that you can only excel at a handful of things at any given time, if you wish to be the best.

Robert  Fulp, chairman/chief executive officer, Springfield First Community Bank








Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident, you have to pay attention.

Early in my career, I learned from my friend Charlie O’Reilly that leaders with strong team members become successful people. You are only as good as those who your hire or associate yourself with. Recruit the best and support and give credit to them every day.

Matt E. Miller, founder, Miller Commerce, a Springfield real estate development company

Without a doubt, my having a relentless belief that I am responsible for and capable of creating my own reality. Einstein said: ‘The most important decision that you ever make is whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe.’

I believe that everything else will fall into place when you make the conscious choice to be happy, when you pay close attention to what you really want from life, help others fulfill their dreams and humbly recruit the help of others as you do the work on yourself to become worthy of fulfilling yours.

Matt E. Miller, founder of Miller Commerce, a real estate development company.








My mother never saw the inside of a gym until she was 70 and she’s never been on a diet in her life, but she hasn’t ever wavered more than five pounds.

She’s always kept herself healthy just by taking her little walks and quietly doing her modest daily routine of a few minutes of exercises on the living room floor. 

She eats sensibly most every meal without any fanfare … She has never fussed over her makeup or ‘had work done,’ but I swear that she looked 45 when she was 60 ... My mom has always been quietly and consistently doing the right things a little bit at a time.

She inspires me to remember that it’s not the big swings, it’s the small daily actions that we can easily make become our routines that creates the consistency that compounds into big results over time.